One of Lennon’s more interesting alliances with Satanism comes from Yoko Ono whom many have connected with intelligence operations, in a manner similar to Crowley who was employed by British MI5/6 during World War 1. The story is that Lennon met Ono in November 1966 by chance at the Indica Art Gallery owned by 3 investors, where the not so mysterious Ian Iachamoe operated a book store of – you guessed it – occultic literature. Other sources claim that Ono wanted to spend the night with McCartney a year earlier meaning that she most certainly knew of The Beatles before 1966. But anyone who thinks that the wealthy, well connected, intelligence operative Yoko Ono did not know who were The Beatles and John Lennon are a few bulbs short of a Christmas tree. Ono was a self described witch who paid another one in South America 60,000 USD for a consultation shortly before John’s death in 1980 – assuming that John was indeed the victim. It is also interesting that they took up residence in the Dakota apartments where Roman Polanski filmed his notorious Rosemary’s Baby. The apartment building is a known center for occultic and intelligence operations. – Tony Bonn

Why do you suppose I compared JL’s horrid Handler YO to the SoHoes? Dat MKUltra, those pesky alphabet agencies with their vested interest in modern ‘art’ as a vehicle for both trafficking and money laundering. It’s literally the same lame story over and over again…

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