Why IS Harkles in SA?

Let me show you:

First Killary and now Manchelle, each with their own slush fund foundation reminding their pet SoHoe who she really works for 😂! It sure as hell ain’t the BRF…

Comet Ping Pong in Newcastle


Why the fuck would pedo Alefantis call some moldy dump like The Cumberland Arms ‘home’? Lots of tunnels around there according to local peeps, just sayin’. He also attends something called ‘Pongress’ at Dr. Pong’s in Berlin. Remember what our sources said about Comet Sophie and liberal C_A spooks? This is particularly relevant because we have traced Team Soso activity to both of the aforementioned locales…


M-not-OK Ultra

See what the SoHoes did there? Some of us know all about this. They are two-bit wannabe Handlers who can’t even disguise what they are all about! It’s little different from the cues given to a well-trained dog. How sad…



Oh my!  Thank you Mia😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Maggot won’t be the only one getting the National Enquirer treatment 😏. Sophie Hunter is even more incompetent. The first rule of infiltration and sabotage is to wear your game face at all times. Subtlely is beyond these SoHoes, in their attempts to make their targets look bad they’ve made themselves look even worse. We know they are MKd assets and we also know how they launder their dirty money. Their cover is now completely blown and compromised patsies don’t last…

PH wanted MM. Bad. He told his friends that “she gave him the best 😯 that he’d ever had”. He’s a freak. She’s a freak. Both have been rumored to have photos of their fetishes on the dark web. X rated. Stuff that would make you đŸ€ź. PH said that “no one knows the true him”. Do we yet know if either like “pizza”, or “hot dogs”? We know about “roasted chicken”. Just be prepared for some shocking info. Also, MM is a high level witch. PH knows that.

LOL, it’s a lot more complicated than that. Maggot initiated everything but she was selected among other biracial candidates and groomed to do so. She started off as a booty call whose services had been used by Prince Andrew and a friend of Harry’s, nothing more. What these VIP escorts and rentboys do is not only cater to extreme fetishes but drug their victims stupid. They will then film them in compromising situations and blackmail them into virtual slavery.

Chemsex is particularly dangerous because the victim is up for anything and confuses the drug high with the performance of the sex worker which is never that good. I’ve worked with addicts in a clinical setting before so I know all about the underlying mechanisms involved. Anyhow, Maggot put on her best performance and managed to land more dates via emotional manipulation. This is a narcissist’s favorite strategy BTW, she love bombed Diana’s orphan and mirrored him. Even then he broke up with her and started seeing someone else. That’s when Maggot threatened him into complying with her demands by leveraging her kompromat. She had the full support of her Soho House pimp, Markus Anderson because it was his plan all along! The rest as they say, is history. Harry bit the bullet and started doing a lot of drugs which Maggot uses to keep him in line. How do we know? Harry’s old friends complained about Maggot’s people isolating and brainwashing him!

Is Maggot an occultist? Of course. It leaked that she molested a baby FFS! I’ve talked about female Satanic subsects, Grand Dames, the Biscione and more. You don’t get far in the cabal ranks if you don’t convert to their faith. She’s still nothing more than a high-ranking slave however, MKd from a young age. Many people make the mistake of confusing the servants for the masters. They don’t call this mess the ‘Great Game’ for nothing…

IMO the ShamWow involving Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter was a test run of sorts for the Harkles con. Same type of MKd narc hoes, same background players, same pap agencies, same ineffective PR strategies, same MO. Every day the public is becoming more aware of how badly planned it all was. This shitfest was doomed before it even started!

Behind The Illusion: George Clooney

Loony is one of many such assets in showbiz

Dirty spooks and Scientology? Well, we know that Sophie Hunter is definitely a honeytrap hoe and informant, handled by dual/triple assets like Euan Rellie. Why were SoFail’s Scientology friends pressuring Benedict Cumberbatch? They too wanted to use him to gather and trade compromising secrets. Benedict gushing over Matt Damon was also a big red flag, we know all about Damon and Affleck. All three have starred in spook funded espionage movies rather frequently. They are telling us what they are! Five Eyes are quite literally all over the place ¯_(ツ)_/¯.
Behind The Illusion: George Clooney

The Coalition

By Popbitch

Shortly before they both invested in Radar Magazine, Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein teamed up to make a totally different media acquisition. As part of a larger collective of billionaires, millionaires and other media mavens, the deviant duo tried to buy up New York Magazine. Why? To get its nose out of their business

If you saw the recent documentary about Harvey Weinstein on telly the other week, you’ll know about the “Fuckin’ Sheriff” incident already.

If you didn’t happen to catch it, briefly, this is the story:

In November 2000, in the run-up to the Bush v Gore election, there was a rumour going around media and movie circles that Harvey Weinstein was deliberately delaying the release of one of his films in order to boost Al Gore’s chance of winning the presidency.

The film in question was O: the Mekhi Phifer/Julia Stiles/Josh Hartnett high school retelling of Shakespeare’s Othello. O had originally been due for release in 1999 but got pulled because of the shooting at Columbine High. Given that the film reaches a pretty violent and bloody end (Shakespeare’s fault, as much as anybody’s) it was felt that it might be a little insensitive to promote, so the decision was taken to hold it back a while.

18 months later, O was still on the shelf.

The cast and creative team behind the film grew increasingly frustrated, wondering if the movie they’d all worked so hard on was ever going to see the light of day. Enough time had passed since the shooting, they felt, for it not to look ghoulish – but for some reason Miramax seemed reticent to release it. The suspicion was that Weinstein (who had been a big-ticket donor to the Gore/Lieberman campaign) was sitting on it specifically to spare Democrats a headache – as criticising violence in mass media had, in light of the events at Columbine, become a cornerstone of Gore’s campaign.

It was only hearsay at this point, of course. No-one really had any concrete evidence that this was actually Weinstein’s plan. So – the night before the election – a reporter for the New York Observer, Rebecca Traister, decided to find out for herself.

It just so happened that Harvey was throwing a lavish celebrity party that same night, so Traister popped down to the Tribeca Grand Hotel to see if she could get anything on record. Initially, the question didn’t cause any commotion. She asked Harvey what was happening with O and he waved it away, claiming that the film was nothing to do with him, it was one that his brother Bob was looking after.

And that was that. Until a few moments later, when Harvey came back to Traister to tell her that, actually, she wasn’t allowed to use that. His quote had been off the record.

Traister was confused by this, as she hadn’t agreed for their talk to be off-record. So she refused, informing him that that wasn’t how quote-giving works. Weinstein did not take this well and started bellowing “WHO IS THIS CUNT? WHO LET THIS FUCKING CUNT IN HERE?” – at which point Traister’s boyfriend (Andrew Goldman, himself a journalist) stepped in to intervene.

Funnily enough, Goldman’s presence didn’t do much to calm the situation. In fact, it rather made things worse. Weinstein snarled at the pair, “You know what? I’m glad I’m the fuckin’ sheriff of this shit-ass fuckin’ town” before pushing Goldman down some stairs, grabbing him in a headlock and punching him in the head, while trying to snatch his dictaphone.

This fight soon spilled out onto 6th Avenue where a gaggle of paparazzi was waiting outside. Naturally, they began snapping.

You’d think that a story like this – where one of Hollywood’s biggest producers interrupted his own party to brawl with a journalist on the streets of Manhattan – would be juicy enough to make a splash in the news. Eeven if it was only a New York tabloid, or Hollywood industry mag, it seems like someone, somewhere would be interested in running it. Yet, it didn’t make a ripple.

It’s possible that Weinstein got lucky. That election coverage bumped the story; that it was simply too cold to pick back up the day after.

It’s highly unlikely though.

Traister says that she was told by her editor not to write up what happened with Harvey in her story, that it just wasn’t worth getting on his bad side for. And Goldman? He filed a police report about the incident, but it can’t have caused too many hard feelings as, within the year, he’d ended up where everyone else that Weinstein wanted to control did: writing for Talk magazine.

So how did the Fuckin’ Sheriff story first come to be widely known? Because another journalist – a friend of Goldman’s, David Carr – included it in a profile that he wrote about Harvey Weinstein a whole year later: The Emperor Miramaximus.

Carr died in 2015, so he didn’t live long enough to see the Fall of Weinstein, but he’d have been reassured to discover that his instincts back then had been broadly correct. He’d also be relieved to learn he hadn’t become unduly paranoid either as Weinstein was almost certainly having him surveilled (something Carr alluded to in his piece, commenting on Weinstein’s “near-perfect visibility into my notebook, ticking off a list of people I’ve talked to and what we talked about and then taking pleasure as my eyes widen.”)

The Emperor Miramaximus ran in New York Magazine in December 2001. Having a dogged reporter like Carr on his case clearly gave Weinstein the chills. Which is partly why, in December 2003, Weinstein would make a bid to become a co-owner of that very publication.

A position he was hoping to take up with another co-investor chum of his.

Jeffrey Epstein.

The Mystery Man

It’s entirely possible to make millions on Wall Street without generating any real public profile. Every day, hundreds of thousands of financiers all across the world manage to juggle astronomical amounts of money, pocket huge wads of the stuff for themselves, and live very richly on the proceeds without ever attracting any sort of serious international attention.

Keeping under the radar is easy enough to do if you’re prepared to adhere to one golden rule: Never, under any circumstance, invite two of the world’s most prominent sex cases – Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey – onto your private jet and fly them halfway around the globe.

Unfortunately for Jeffrey Epstein, it was exactly this hurdle that tripped him in 2002.

Up until that point, Epstein had been seen as a fairly unremarkable money manager. A millionaire, sure. One who occasionally cropped up in gossip columns because of his on-off society girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, or a handful of other fancy friends. For a decade or so, he managed to keep on just the right side of the line. But by inviting a superstar cadre of flying celebrity perverts to take a trip to Africa aboard his Boeing 727 (a vessel nicknamed the ‘Lolita Express’) he instantly made himself an urgent figure of interest.

Who was this mysterious moneyman who mixed Hollywood, Wall Street and Washington at 30,000ft? The press was now very keen to find out.

In Part Two, we briefly discussed a magazine profile on Epstein that ran in Vanity Fair in 2003 (the one the author claims VF‘s Editor-in-Chief, Graydon Carter, meddled with at the behest of Epstein himself). It wasn’t the first piece to run on him though. Six months earlier, in October 2002, a primer entitled ‘Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman Of Mystery’ was published. Where?

Where else? New York Magazine.

While the NYMag story doesn’t contain any bombshell revelations as such, it’s still pretty jaw-dropping to read it in 2019 – after Epstein’s arrest, conviction, re-arrest and death – if only to see just how much of the stuff we’re now talking about today first reared its head in late 2002.

For example, that early NYMag feature is the one that contains the damningly indiscreet quote from Trump which recently came back to haunt them both (“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life”).

As well as Trump, Clinton and Spacey getting shout-outs, Prince Andrew gets a cheeky little namecheck too. Handsy Andy has been heavily implicated in the ensuing fallout of the Epstein scandal, with multiple women pointing fingers at him (including former Mar-A-Lago towel girl, Virginia Roberts Guiffre, who claims she was forced to have sex with Andrew three times when she was below the age of consent).

Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s former lover and suspected madam, is also featured prominently. Not only does she get an early mention right up top in the second paragraph, there’s a pretty substantial section dedicated to the peculiarities of her relationship with Epstein.

There was – we should make clear – no suggestion in this 2002 piece that Maxwell was Epstein’s chief child recruiter, procuring young girls for him and his friends to have sex with. Those allegations were still a long way off from surfacing. Still, as a first stab at trying to figure out what the hell Jeffrey Epstein’s deal was, NYMag managed to nick an impressive number of vital organs.

Of all the eerie foreshadowing now visible in it, the most telling bit is a quote from an unnamed friend of Epstein. They repeat a line to the writer, which they say is how Epstein once described his line of work to them:

“I invest in people — be it politics or science. It’s what I do.”

Funnily enough, it wasn’t long after this profile ran in New York Magazine, that Epstein decided to start investing in a totally new sort of person.


The Press Gang

What with all the out-of-court settlements, lawyers’ bills, corporate bankruptcies and extremely suspicious deaths in prison, Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein are no longer the men of means they once were. In the early 2000s though, it was an entirely different picture.

Back then, the pair of them had money to burn, portfolios to diversify and –most pressing of all – stories to kill. But buying up New York Magazine wasn’t an investment that the two of them were going to be making alone. They had some other interested associates who were prepared to go in on it with them. Fellow multimillionaires and billionaires who seemed keen to shoulder some of the costs and savour some of the perks of owning an influential publication.

This loosely bound gang of media prospectors even had a cool media nickname picked out for them. They were known in the industry as “The Coalition”.

And who were they?

Donny Deutsch (Net Worth: $200m)
An advertising and marketing executive by inheritance, Donny was never really satisfied to just work in his dad’s old business. He had aspirations of his own, to become a big media personality. His attempt to carve out a TV career stretches back to his first appearance on Match Game (America’s version of Blankety Blank) in his early 20s, and has continued right up to the present day with him doing piecemeal pundit work on multiple news channels, hosting his own talk show, starring in a short-lived semi-autobiographical sitcom, Donny! – as well as doing a stint as a judge on NBC’s The Apprentice alongside his then-friend (now-nemesis) Donald Trump.

Obviously none of this would have been possible for him to do from behind his desk at Deutsch Inc, so he sold the family business in 2000 for $245m shortly before joining The Coalition.

Nelson Peltz (Net Worth $1.7 billion)
A drop-out from Donald Trump’s alma mater (the Wharton School), Peltz got his start at his grandfather’s business – working as a delivery driver, transporting wholesale food provisions around New York. As time went on, he took greater charge of operations and ended up getting involved in all sorts of food, drink and confectionary companies, making acquisitions and investments in Heinz, Cadbury’s, Snapple, Kraft, Pepsi and all sorts.

Although he’s more commonly known as being the guy who owns fast food chain Wendy’s.

Mort Zuckerman (Net Worth: $2.9 billion)
Also a Wharton man, Mortimer ‘Mort’ Zuckerman was The Coalition’s only real media proprietor – and therefore became their de facto leader. He had a great deal of experience in the field when NYMag came on the market, with a number of recognisable titles already under his belt.

As a publisher he had previously owned The Atlantic (which he had for nearly 20 years) and FastCompany (which he sold five years after launching it for $300m+). At the time time of bidding for NYMag he also owned the New York Daily News (which sold in 2017, after almost 25 years) and US News & World Report (which he still owns, 35 years after first acquiring it).

Michael Wolff (Net Worth: rich in experience)
His most recent moment in the spotlight having come earlier this year for writing an incendiary book about the inner workings of the Trump White House (Fire And Fury), Michael Wolff was a unique figure in the Coalition. He wasn’t bringing a cash investment to the party. Instead, he was bringing his media savvy.

Already a columnist for NYMag, Wolff was The Coalition’s inside man; the one who was supposed to be navigating the deal in-house, keeping his ear to the ground and letting them know how best to manage their bid. In return, he was lined up to get some cushty role at the mag.

Unfortunately for them, Wolff’s ear wasn’t pressed to the ground as closely as it should have been.

The Coalition’s bid got a lot of coverage. In no small part, this was thanks to Wolff – who was always on hand to give media reporters an update as to his co-investors’ progress, talking up the robustness of their bid. From reports at the time, the received opinion was that David Pecker and American Media, Inc. posed their biggest threat – but Wolff made it clear that The Coalition wasn’t worried.

In focusing so intently on how comprehensively they were going to crush AMI’s bid, The Coalition failed to spot another billionaire outrider, Bruce Wasserstein, who was also interested. He quietly swooped in with a bid of $55million and snatched the whole thing up from right under their nose.

Which was disappointing for The Coalition – but it wasn’t quite the end.

Picking Up Radar

You may feel like this is an awful lot of talk about New York Magazine for a story that is ostensibly supposed to be about Radar and American Media, Inc. – but this is where it turns around.

After they’d lost the bid for NYMag, but before they disbanded, The Coalition considered one final investment opportunity. It came from the man The Coalition had been toying with installing as editor if their bid had been successful. A man whose name you might remember:

Maer Roshan.

Weinstein’s golden boy from Talk had originally come from NYMag, so would have been a perfect fit had they managed to secure the takeover. But, as they hadn’t been, Roshan used the chance to draw up ideas for a new magazine of his own and put it front of this purpose-built panel of multimillionaire media investors: Radar.

You’ll know the pitch for it by now. A smart, snarky, urbane pop culture magazine that doesn’t take itself or its subjects too seriously (yadda, yadda, yadda

However, though The Coalition did seriously consider the bid, it didn’t really seem to appeal to most of them – and for understandable reasons.

Michael Wolff already had a good gig at a prestigious magazine. He didn’t want to have to start over again at a new title.

A couple of Nelson Peltz’s kids would go on to wind up in showbiz, but was that really reason enough to fund a snarky new pop culture magazine? He was probably going to do much better by his kids returning to his established investment portfolio and support them with the family billions.

And Donny Deutsch? Realistically, Donny wanted to be featured in magazines like Radar, not to own them.

So, one by one, they started to fall away. Soon The Coalition was down to three – but the ones who remained ended up investing in Radar.

As we told you in Part One, Weinstein was the first to step up. He raised the funds for Radar‘s initial test issues in 2003 but, once they were published, money from Miramax dried up and Roshan had to put the magazine on hiatus while he secured further funding.

A second round came a few years later from Jeffrey Epstein and fellow Coalition partner, Mort Zuckerman: who initially pledged a joint $25m to fund the magazine through the next stages in 2005. That amount was later capped at around $10m however (the suspicion being that – in working closely with Epstein, and getting a bit of an early sense into the sorts of things that floated his boat – Zuckerman found out about his Epstein’s particular ‘tendencies’ and wanted nothing further to do with him, cutting his investment short and running).

Zuckerman’s early departure from Radar 2.0 left Roshan in a slightly tricky spot, but not as tricky a spot as Epstein did – who was being thoroughly investigated by Palm Beach Police.

So Roshan needed to find a third, and final, investor to help get him over the hump and get Radar publishing on a regular basis. Thankfully for him, another billionaire answered his call and stepped in to fund Maer Roshan’s third and final attempt to get Radar off the ground – before the whole thing got sold, lock stock and barrel, to the tabloid magazine behemoth, American Media Inc.

Supermarket billionaire, Ron Burkle.

The man who tried to buy the National Enquirer earlier this year

TRAVALYST Deets and Receipts

Thanks to Ashley and Trish for this info…

I smell a SoHoe…the TRAVALYST hashtag has been in use for 4 years by IG ‘Model’ & PR darling Chantel Elloway who flies almost exclusively on private jets. She also volunteered for the Invictus Games in Canada as far back as 2017! In light of recent scrutiny she made her IG private which is rather odd for a self-identified luxury travel blogger…unless she’s flying high for outcalls. Now about the TRAVALYST venture, if you thought the logo was a giveaway? It turns out that it was registered on 08/27/19 and is run by MWX Trading Limited which is owned by none other than:


RON BURKLE, one of Markus Anderson’s bosses and majority (60%) owner of SOHO HOUSE via The Yucaipa Companies, LLC. Here is how Meghan Markle and Sophie Hunter fit into that whole honeypot scheme


she will be kissing AW ass for a seat at FW


There are many people who are unhappy with how Nuclear Wintour is running Vogue. They are also seeing how she gives the SoHoes publicity. Was Maggot’s Vogue UK debacle not enough proof of their brand toxicity? I guess she wants to retire soon 😏. Notice how it keeps going back to the Clintons…

PS: Maggot is baking in that coat because she’s merching it. Killary used her IG photo of Maggot and Serena to pressure Serena into letting Maggot attend. All a ridiculous exercise in futility because Maggot will be permabanned for jinxing SW’s game three times in a row.

I kept telling people who Maggot was in league with didn’t I? Was Sara Latham’s recent stint not proof enough? The Soho House crowd was always a most generous CF and DNC donor:

Killary should also thank Sophie Hunter for her…services, wouldn’t want her feeling left out 😏! Oh well, now that everyone knows Maggot’s all but done for.

That also explains why Disney tried to ingratiate itself with Maggot and allowed SoFail to stay onboard: Conflict of Interest. It’s not exactly making you or your company look reputable Mr. Iger. As evidenced by last week’s video people are starting to notice. We have received word that the House of Mouse may be forced to do a thorough housecleaning. In big business, loyalties must change with the times when former allies become liabilities.

Epstein and NXIVM Judges Were BOTH Appointed By Clinton and Have Rothschild Connections


Video and Accompanying Diagram

I have uploaded a video (Part 1YouTube & Part 2YouTube) on my YouTube channel and uploaded a supplementary diagram to archive.org in order to make the information in this post more concise and easier to consume.


Bill Clinton appointed Judge Richard M. Berman and Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis to district courts in NY, where they are now presiding over the Epstein and NXIVM trials, respectively. This information is out in the open and in and of itself, would appear to constitute major conflicts of interest regarding two eerily similar and politically stunning sex trafficking cases.

During the course of my research, I began to realize that Lynn Forester de Rothschild’s relationship with Clintons, along with several different people tied to both judges, creates the appearance of additional conflicts of interest. Because of this, I have arranged the post according to Lady Rothschild’s relationships with each party.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild

1. Connection to Ghislaine Maxwell

She owns a Manhattan property close to Epstein’s and back in 2015, the UK’s Sunday Times reported that:

Ms Maxwell, 53, was photographed [this] weekend outside her home in New York where she moved after the death of her father, the disgraced newspaper mogul Robert Maxwell, in 1991.

The Manhattan property, which is close to Epstein’s mansion, is owned by Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of the British financier Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild.

Ghislaine is also a former member of the Clinton Global Initiative according to a 2007 members list.

2. Connection to Jeffrey Epstein

Her husband, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, appears in Epstein’s little black book on page 48.

Epstein was arrested at Teterboro Airport. According to Wikipedia, Rothschild’s father was “president and owner of the General Aviation Aircraft Services, now Meridian, in Teterboro, New Jersey.” It is likely that he would have spent a lot of time working out of Teterboro Airport, although the page source on that has already been 404’d.

In addition to Madame Maxwell, Epstein’s brother, Mark, was also a member of the Clinton Global Initiative in 2007.

According to Harper’s Bazaar, Lynn’s first job after law school was with the firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett. According to Wikipedia’s list of notable alumni, Cy Vance worked there as well, albeit long before Ghislaine. I only mention this because the name Cy Vance ended up ringing a bell, but I couldn’t remember why. I did a quick search and realized that Vance’s son, Cy Vance, Jr., was not only in the NY Post this week for subpoenaing a Trump organization over the whole Stormy Daniels hush-money fiasco, but he also made the New York Times 3 weeks ago because it was his office who attempted to get Epstein’s sex offender status lowered in New York!

3. Connection to Alan Dershowitz

I posted about this a few days ago and included a link to a clip of DershowitzYouTube stating he was introduced to Epstein by Lady Rothschild. I have been speculating that he dropped her name as a way of silently indicating his protected status among the elite.

4. Connection to Judge Richard M. Berman (Judge for the Epstein Trial)

Long before she married into the Rothschild family, she volunteered on the U.S. Senate campaign of Daniel Patrick Moynihan.According to Politico:

In between studies at Pomona College, a private liberal arts school in Claremont, Calif., and Columbia Law School, she began a long association with Democratic politics, volunteering for the U.S. Senate campaign of Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

If Lynn was born in 1954, then she would be 18 years old (entering college) in 1972. If she spent 4 years at Pomona College, that would bring us to 1976. Moynihan was elected in 1976, so it would reasonable to believe that Lynn volunteered on Moynihan’s very first campaign for Senate. In 1977, Moynihan was a co-chair, along with Jacob K. Javits, of the New York State Alliance to Save Energy. Javits’s executive assistant at the time, Richard M. Berman, was appointed as the executive director of this alliance.

While it seems likely that this appointment was more influenced by Javits, it is quite a coincidence that out of all the judges that could have presided over the Epstein trial, it was Judge Richard M. Berman who was selected. And on top of that, out of all the courthouses this trial could have taken place in, it is currently taking place in the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Courthouse!

At this point, I am sure many of you will want to dig deeper into Judge Richard M. Berman. If you would like a head start, see this videoYouTube I made a few days ago to accompany this Voat post. With the help of a fellow Voat user, I came very close to being able to connect Judge Berman to notorious California pedophile, Harry Baker.

5. Connection to Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis (Judge for the NXIVM Trial)

According to her Wikipedia, Rothschild sits on the Board of Bronfman E.L. Rothschild LP. There is no citation for this, but a former CEO confirms both her and Matthew Bronfman as members of the board of directors in an interview with RIABiz.com:

RIABiz: Is this a new position for the company? If yes, why is the position being created now?

Simon: Marilyn’s position is a new one for the company. We have been anxious to grow our presence in New York. Not only does Bronfman Rothschild have a current office in New York, but several of our board members are based there as well, including Matthew Bronfman, Eli Goldstein and Lynn Forester de Rothschild.

The Bronfmans, particularly Sara, Clare, and their father, Edgar, were the principal funders of the NXIVM sex cult that is currently being prosecuted in New York. The three of them also appear on the Clinton Global Initiative members list for 2007.

Presiding over the NXIVM trial is Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis, who, like Judge Berman, was appointed to that judgeship by Bill Clinton. Unlike Judge Berman, Garaufis actually served in the Clinton Administration as Chief Counsel to the Federal Aviation Administration!

Before he was a part of the Clinton Administration, Garaufis was the assistant Attorney General under Louis J. Lefkowitz. I have been working to see if Louis J. Lefkowitz is related to Jay Lefkowitz, one of the lawyers who negotiated the now infamous plea deal with the office of Alexander Acosta. Apparently, Louis J. Lefkowitz has a brother named Leo Lefkowitz and Jay Lefkowitz has an uncle named Leonard Lefkowitz according to his father’s (Jerome Lefkowitz) obituary. I’m Just not 100% sure that they are one-in-the-same. Any information establishing the two as the same person would be greatly appreciated.

Judge Garaufis was in the news recently for having ordered a prosecuting lawyer to cease questioning Lauren Salzman after she broke down during the NXIVM trial. How nice of him. Oh, and I almost forgot. Lauren Salzman’s mom, Nancy Salzman, was also a 2007 Clinton Global Initiative member as well.

Epstein and NXIVM Judges Were BOTH Appointed By Clinton and Have Rothschild Connections


Video and Accompanying Diagram

I have uploaded a video (Part 1YouTube & Part 2YouTube) on my YouTube channel and uploaded a supplementary diagram to archive.org in order to make the information in this post more concise and easier to consume:


Bill Clinton appointed Judge Richard M. Berman and Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis to district courts in NY, where they are now presiding over the Epstein and NXIVM trials, respectively. This information is out in the open and in and of itself, would appear to constitute major conflicts of interest regarding two eerily similar and politically stunning sex trafficking cases.

During the course of my research, I began to realize that Lynn Forester de Rothschild’s relationship with Clintons, along with several different people tied to both judges, creates the appearance of additional conflicts of interest. Because of this, I have arranged the post according to Lady Rothschild’s relationships with each party.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild

1. Connection to Ghislaine Maxwell

She owns a Manhattan property close to Epstein’s and back in 2015, the UK’s Sunday Times reported that:

Ms Maxwell, 53, was photographed [this] weekend outside her home in New York where she moved after the death of her father, the disgraced newspaper mogul Robert Maxwell, in 1991.

The Manhattan property, which is close to Epstein’s mansion, is owned by Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of the British financier Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild.

Ghislaine is also a former member of the Clinton Global Initiative according to a 2007 members list.

2. Connection to Jeffrey Epstein

Her husband, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, appears in Epstein’s little black book on page 48.

Epstein was arrested at Teterboro Airport. According to Wikipedia, Rothschild’s father was “president and owner of the General Aviation Aircraft Services, now Meridian, in Teterboro, New Jersey.” It is likely that he would have spent a lot of time working out of Teterboro Airport, although the page source on that has already been 404’d.

In addition to Madame Maxwell, Epstein’s brother, Mark, was also a member of the Clinton Global Initiative in 2007.

According to Harper’s Bazaar, Lynn’s first job after law school was with the firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett. According to Wikipedia’s list of notable alumni, Cy Vance worked there as well, albeit long before Ghislaine. I only mention this because the name Cy Vance ended up ringing a bell, but I couldn’t remember why. I did a quick search and realized that Vance’s son, Cy Vance, Jr., was not only in the NY Post this week for subpoenaing a Trump organization over the whole Stormy Daniels hush-money fiasco, but he also made the New York Times 3 weeks ago because it was his office who attempted to get Epstein’s sex offender status lowered in New York!

3. Connection to Alan Dershowitz

I posted about this a few days ago and included a link to a clip of DershowitzYouTube stating he was introduced to Epstein by Lady Rothschild. I have been speculating that he dropped her name as a way of silently indicating his protected status among the elite.

4. Connection to Judge Richard M. Berman (Judge for the Epstein Trial)

Long before she married into the Rothschild family, she volunteered on the U.S. Senate campaign of Daniel Patrick Moynihan.According to Politico:

In between studies at Pomona College, a private liberal arts school in Claremont, Calif., and Columbia Law School, she began a long association with Democratic politics, volunteering for the U.S. Senate campaign of Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

If Lynn was born in 1954, then she would be 18 years old (entering college) in 1972. If she spent 4 years at Pomona College, that would bring us to 1976. Moynihan was elected in 1976, so it would reasonable to believe that Lynn volunteered on Moynihan’s very first campaign for Senate. In 1977, Moynihan was a co-chair, along with Jacob K. Javits, of the New York State Alliance to Save Energy. Javits’s executive assistant at the time, Richard M. Berman, was appointed as the executive director of this alliance.

While it seems likely that this appointment was more influenced by Javits, it is quite a coincidence that out of all the judges that could have presided over the Epstein trial, it was Judge Richard M. Berman who was selected. And on top of that, out of all the courthouses this trial could have taken place in, it is currently taking place in the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Courthouse!

At this point, I am sure many of you will want to dig deeper into Judge Richard M. Berman. If you would like a head start, see this videoYouTube I made a few days ago to accompany this Voat post. With the help of a fellow Voat user, I came very close to being able to connect Judge Berman to notorious California pedophile, Harry Baker.

5. Connection to Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis (Judge for the NXIVM Trial)

According to her Wikipedia, Rothschild sits on the Board of Bronfman E.L. Rothschild LP. There is no citation for this, but a former CEO confirms both her and Matthew Bronfman as members of the board of directors in an interview with RIABiz.com:

RIABiz: Is this a new position for the company? If yes, why is the position being created now?

Simon: Marilyn’s position is a new one for the company. We have been anxious to grow our presence in New York. Not only does Bronfman Rothschild have a current office in New York, but several of our board members are based there as well, including Matthew Bronfman, Eli Goldstein and Lynn Forester de Rothschild.

The Bronfmans, particularly Sara, Clare, and their father, Edgar, were the principal funders of the NXIVM sex cult that is currently being prosecuted in New York. The three of them also appear on the Clinton Global Initiative members list for 2007.

Presiding over the NXIVM trial is Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis, who, like Judge Berman, was appointed to that judgeship by Bill Clinton. Unlike Judge Berman, Garaufis actually served in the Clinton Administration as Chief Counsel to the Federal Aviation Administration!

Before he was a part of the Clinton Administration, Garaufis was the assistant Attorney General under Louis J. Lefkowitz. I have been working to see if Louis J. Lefkowitz is related to Jay Lefkowitz, one of the lawyers who negotiated the now infamous plea deal with the office of Alexander Acosta. Apparently, Louis J. Lefkowitz has a brother named Leo Lefkowitz and Jay Lefkowitz has an uncle named Leonard Lefkowitz according to his father’s (Jerome Lefkowitz) obituary. I’m Just not 100% sure that they are one-in-the-same. Any information establishing the two as the same person would be greatly appreciated.

Judge Garaufis was in the news recently for having ordered a prosecuting lawyer to cease questioning Lauren Salzman after she broke down during the NXIVM trial. How nice of him. Oh, and I almost forgot. Lauren Salzman’s mom, Nancy Salzman, was also a 2007 Clinton Global Initiative member as well.