Fucking hell, it’s only bene 3 days and biden’s already WARMONGERING?? you know there should be a new law in America where anytime an American president sends out troops somewhwre, the presidentis should be obligated to send their OWN CHILDREN among the troops. I dislike USA, but i have soft spot for American enlisted in the military just because they want a university scholarship (or because Hollywood makes war/violence look cool). Their lives wasted on pointless wars. I hope they stage a coup!

My paternal grandpa was a decorated WW2 veteran so I know how you feel. I warned about Sleepy being BFFs with a bunch of warhawks before the elections. Now he nominated a General on the Raytheon BoD to run the Pentagon! These cowards happily send other people’s kids to die or get maimed in their stupid wars for profit. IMO few wars are truly justifiable, fewer still inevitable but it’s big business. Sleepy made a huge mistake when he disrespected the NG, first by questioning their political affiliation, then by making them sleep on bare concrete and tossing them biscuits as if they were dogs. He already qualifies for removal from power under Military Code 11.3 BTW…

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