What do you think of the Extinction Rebellion sign (OMG, the two triangles!!!) Ben wore yesterday? He is lying people in their faces about his wife and children and expects to be taken seriously with any commitments. He is nothing but disrespectful. Clear up your own life first, then teach others how to treat the world. Unreliable.


I think that if he weren’t in the sham, I’d be totally applauding. But he is trying to save the world so he can feel good about himself without having to look at himself and his own life. Homeboy needs therapy and he needs to LISTEN to the therapist.

It’s safe to say that Benedict’s credibility is shot until he’s free and clear of the unsellable fauxmance from hell. That org should instead call itself ‘Extinction by Conformity’ 🙄. Did they pay Benedict for adspace? The only reason why he wore that tacky thing is because it’s trending. PR Agents are usually the ones who advise clients on such matters. That tells me that he should switch agencies before they finish ruining his brand. Now I’m all for protecting the environment but in far more practical ways. All I see is shady NGOs/NPOs with hidden agendas taking advantage of the public to line their pockets! I’ll get into the scam they are running later, their phony virtue signalling doesn’t fool those of us with a working brain.

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