
Okay so I’m an only child and lots of people are like, “You’re so lucky, I wish I didn’t have any brothers or sisters.”

No no you are wrong. Being an only child sucks let me list some things…

  • When you’re little you have no one to play with and you just sit there with your toys trying to play a two person game by yourself. I tried to play trouble with my stuffies when I was 5.
  • You are awkwardly social (maybe not for you but for me) because you had no or very little interaction with kids your or around you age before school.  
  • No one to help you when you have problems and you can’t tell your parents because they wont understand so you have to try to get through it with no help.
  • You will never be called auntie or uncle, cause you have no siblings who can then have little children!
  • You are covered with responsibility. There are so many chores and stuff to do that you can’t share with someone else so it’s easier.And your parent’s expect you to get the best in class. To get all 90’s because you’re their only child and have to do the best

And this is just the tip of the iceberg….

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