Can you tell us what you think would happen gator? Maybe just a rough sketch? I’m bit worried after reading your posts


Here’s my thoughts:

I think the Rat really did let only BC read the whole script. (I haven’t seen the movie, so I’m not doing spoilers). I think that they wanted him to see something (probably that anyone can be replaced). I think they gave him an ultimatum and the deadline is very near. And I think they placated Zero for the IW promos. And now she’s trying to do everything she can to stop him from following through. I also think the stress he’s getting from all directions has him all kinds of fucked up. The big question is whether Benedict chickens out again and commits career suicide or he finally takes care of his shit and dumps his succubus and takes by his life and career. And only he knows what he’s going to do. But here’s the thing: if he chickens out and loses his career, Zero will leave for the next victim. And the press will POUNCE and Disney won’t stop them. But if he just follows through, he’ll be rid of her, still have his career, and have the Rat to help keep the scandal to a minimum. But it’s his choice.

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