
Finally after nearly 14 months of this shit my friend (former nan) has realised that Sofa isn’t all that and that the relationship if fake.  But upon hearing the rumors of a divorce is blaming Benny boy for leaving his child before he is even one.  I thought for moment she was starting to understand 🙁


Maybe have her look at the belly comparisons? With the dates attached….and she will only blame Benedict for a short time. But even if there were a child, why should Benedict stay in a fake relationship with a horrible, abusive woman? I’m pretty sure no judge would give her custody, based on just what WE know about her. Thank God there isn’t an actual child.

We’ve got photos etc that point to no kid and BI + tea flat out telling us that it was SBF’s. So BC’s not liable either way! He’s staying with SH because they are in a faux marriage contract and if he were to “annul” he would be caught lying. Better to claim “private divorce”, followed by a Notmybaby announcement. If there was a child and BC was feeling vindictive? He’d out it’s real paternity and then request full custody as it’s legal adoptive father. Given SH’s history? He’d give that kid a loving home and she’d get nothing more than a meager payout.

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