


Please continue to Re-Blog this, I honestly don’t care if it was a one off with some mentally unbalance individual, this is what her stupid SQUAD incites in people. 

No matter what you think of the Squad we too have no right to go up and smack them no matter how many horrible things they say or do to other people. I’m getting sick of them and their bullshit on a daily basis of  not only “block this person” but get them banned from Twitter, Facebook and any other Social Media platform they use. Unless you are posting porn videos of their idol no one should be getting reported.  

Good for her! Recall that SoFail and Maggot appear to employ some of the same PR firms as well as trollfarms…




Please continue to Re-Blog this, I honestly don’t care if it was a one off with some mentally unbalance individual, this is what her stupid SQUAD incites in people. 

No matter what you think of the Squad we too have no right to go up and smack them no matter how many horrible things they say or do to other people. I’m getting sick of them and their bullshit on a daily basis of  not only “block this person” but get them banned from Twitter, Facebook and any other Social Media platform they use. Unless you are posting porn videos of their idol no one should be getting reported.  

Good for her! Recall that SoFail and Maggot appear to employ some of the same PR firms as well as trollfarms…



Burkle and Sunshine go waaaay back-How did MM happen to select Sunshine Sachs?

I have attached an incredibly long and irrelevant federal court document about Sean Combs, the Citizen Change organization and the 2004 presidential election. The document is attached not for narrative, but for sourcing purposes.

The interesting part of the document to me is that Burkle bank rolled Sean Combs’ clothing company, Bad Boy Worldwide Entertainment Group to the tune of $100 Million.

Combs, shortly after, founded Citizen Change-a nonprofit organization that encouraged 18-30 year olds to vote. Citizen Change got into trouble because per its nonprofit status, it was to remain nonpartisan.

But, repeatedly at rallies Combs, DiCaprio, Mary J. Blige and others campaigned for John Kerry then. And, the “nonprofit” shared the same address and phone number as BBWEG- a for profit company funded by Burkle.

Guess who the PR maverick was who was one of the architects for the Citizen Change movement, which was primarily a massive media plan? Yup. Ken Sunshine.

Citizen Change serreptitiously, and Ron Burkle directly, later supported massive democratic initiatives and HRC’s run at the Oval Office. Burkle has raised NINE FIGURES for those efforts.

Oh…and guess where Burkle and Combs met- at a party in the “Miami area.”

And one more “coincidence”…guess who Sean Combs sold half of his record company to in 2005…Warner Brothers Music- CEO was Edgar Bronfman, Jr.

It’s. All. Connected.

Thank you…because you are inside Tumblr it wouldn’t post…so I had to do it this way!

Very interesting…..thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Geez…I was so tired last night that I forgot the other big connection we all know- since 1999 Peter Roth (hello, Lindsay’s uncle!!!) has been running Warner Brothers Television, alongside Bronfman.

What is one of the shows produced under Roth? The Ellen Degeneris Show. 🤨

As of August 2018, the divisions of the Warner Bros. Television Group combined are producing more than 100 programs for the U.S. broadcast networks as well as cable and subscription/on-demand platforms. That’s a lot of influence.

Oh and one more show green lighted by Roth and currently in its 5th season: Lucifer. It’s a show about Satan being the embodiment of evil, living in L.A., getting in touch with his softer side.

Lucifer…he’s just like us- a knucklehead trying to sort things out in this crazy world. Nothing to be worried about…relax…let your guard down…enjoy the show…🙄


Cassandra Fairbanks 🕊✌️ (@CassandraRules) Tweeted:

Prince Andrew’s Publicist Quits Over Disastrous BBC Interview About Jeffrey Epstein


Tiffany FitzHenry


Imagine you’re on the PR team for the Royals, right now, as the illusion that holds their imaginary power in place is melting. As the whole world is seeing they’re just run of the mill criminals. And there’s nothing you can do to hide it. What do you do? You quit

See that Sunshine Sucks? Freud’s? The general public is not buying your PR BS anymore.



Read it again just now on Twitter. “She’s this she’s that…. Well she is an American”

I’ve met so many from the UK while following this be insane rollercoaster ride called the MM. Love every last one of you with all my heart. But to those who dislike her, why add tongue in cheek that she is the way she is because she is AMERICAN.

I’ve been to the UK. I find we are similar in values, what life is about, struggles. We, and especially women, here in the US are hard workers, jobs are often hard to come buy, there are homeless, violence (my quiet street was shot up last night), we US woman have same fears and be hopes for our children, our political representatives don’t represent us… We US woman are not Hollywood/B list actresses who have slept around to get where we are. We US women are not cons. We US woman are generous loving women.

Stop labeling her American implying that’s why she is the way she is. She is a narcissist/con. Call it what it is. I’ve had enough of that implication!

Word, SoFail is as British as they come yet she acts like Maggot’s lost white twin. It’s not about race or nationality, they are both MKd (DID) on top of having NPD and BPD…


Don’t know why her PR is still trying to sell her. She is a poor quality product, Poundland impersonated.
i’ve met my fair share of celebs in person: they either look… a bit different… not so impressive (but great on the screen), or they look fabulous, has a lot of presence filling the room , the same you see them on the screen. The both types are saleable.

With all PR pumped into this Meghan woman for the last 3 years, have a feeling they have been trying to sell  £1 worth shit to the public, and people still are not going to buy. Calculate their losses, liabilities, costs and expenses and declare her case hopeless.

she is not saleable.

Thank you…nope..not before…not now…not ever😊❤️❤️❤️❤️

“Fascinating how he instantly becomes visible to the world when he’s got a project to push”—Not trying to be an asshole, but that’s how it should be. You should been seen when you have things to push but not nearly as much when you don’t (being seen ALL the time is how people end up overexposed).


Very true. But let’s face it, the way he’s going about being seen are getting more ridiculous by the day.

People are losing all respect for him which is very bad for business. The way to pull it off is to increase your visibility organically prior to promo. I mean if SoFail was going to fuck up TCW RC anyway why bother with that ridiculous balcony scene? No rando appearances (XR is ‘work’ so it doesn’t count) followed by a flurry of ‘sightings’ in a city of millions with tons of resident celebrities is beyond dumb. I kept saying his PR sucks ass…


This is MM, in a nutshell!  If one pays bot farms for “fans”, going after people isn’t a big stretch.  Having such thin skin, you’d think she wouldn’t have chosen such lofty goals!  This is just one of many things I find utterly bizarre!  



LOL! I remember when Jersey and a few other BRF bloggers got doxxed by Maggot in the Fail. We got word from a corporate source that Sophie Hunter also hired a trollfarm to doxx and harass us. We were wondering what was up with all of those weird calls. I got three in late 2016 from what sounded like the slag herself but she outsourced after that


Oh no they didn’t …

… oh yes they did 😉😄😆🤣

ATTENTION: Peak SoHoe has been reached! It’ll only go downhill from here and fast. Sunshine Sachs should go hide where the sun don’t shine out of shame. They tried it with Sophie Hunter and they tried it with Meghan Markle, sow’s ear, Coach bag, all that. What a monumental waste of resources 🙄…


Oh no they didn’t …

… oh yes they did 😉😄😆🤣

ATTENTION: Peak SoHoe has been reached! It’ll only go downhill from here and fast. Sunshine Sachs should go hide where the sun don’t shine out of shame. They tried it with Sophie Hunter and they tried it with Meghan Markle, sow’s ear, Coach bag, all that. What a monumental waste of resources 🙄…

This Is Why People Hate You


A ‘listener’? WTF is that? “The artiste is present.” give me fucking break 🤣! It’s instant SJW cred for hypocrites that’s all, it looks like the pedovores decided to play good samaritan after their latest crisis meetings. Too bad no one believes their self-serving dross anymore. They are using what’s happening in the Amazon etc to divert attention away from their own crimes against humanity. They use the vulnerable to virtue signal while preying upon them, being part NA myself that really pisses me off. Notice that Tatiana Casiraghi of the Black Nobility is in there too, cashing in from dirt-cheap labor in 3rd world countries. How nice of her to help plug that leech SoFail. If I were Casiraghi I would not think of investing in SunnyMarch, SoFail robbed Mahathir. Avere un cervello di gallina…it’s not working for Meghan and Harry so it sure as hell won’t work for you.

Meghan Markle hires crisis management firm that once represented Harvey Weinstein and Michael Jackson in bid to improve her damaged image

Pffft, we got word that Sunshine Sachs was already helping her (or trying to) a long time ago:


Oh, lookee there’s UTA! Sooo, I wonder why that along with Maggot’s link to Weinstein is being brought up now? Much as with fellow SoHoe, Sophie Hunter, no PR team in the world can undo the damage she’s done to her own image! Those birds are roasted… 


Meghan Markle hires crisis management firm that once represented Harvey Weinstein and Michael Jackson in bid to improve her damaged image