Told you so…

About that BI? P2P fraudster all the way:


So Eggsbenedish was steering the PR Narrative one way while ChuckyNoNo kept trying to make her(self) happen. All because she wasn’t able to wrest the coveted role of RCGF from SoFail’s claws with her scheming. Bunch of BS from both ends…


HW cut deals with agencies, hotels etc. He did it with Standard Hotels and Soho House, this was no different. In return his girls got Intel on his target of choice. IG hookers are known for doing tacky shit like this, hashtagging booking sites (reasons) and accepting payment in the form of non-taxable ‘gifts’. The latter practice is especially popular in places like Dubai. Only that most ‘workers’ tend to be more discreet unless they have an agenda, which RJG (like SH) most certainly did. Insiders know everything, PR, stop lying and put an end to this circus. It’s pointless to keep throwing money away on damage control only to postpone the inevitable and end up with a real disaster on your hands…


PS: It’s a ring and people know that hooking isn’t all they do/sell…those other kids:


Seem to have disappeared.
