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33 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Benedict Cumberbatch, According To Benedict Cumberbatch



Oh my this again – “Whats the one thing guaranteed to make u happy?” Answer:
“My children”. Oh and now he wants grandchildren.

So basically he’s proud of a big fat lie, and we don’t need more than one reason to know why he’s full of it. Forget about having a real, loving family or working with Martin again Benedict. Why act apologetic when you keep spouting the same BS? I hope you realize that you really can’t carry on like this. Your PR farce is an open secret that’s destroying your reputation along with your career…

And yes, we know that this interview isn’t that recent. Loved the non-vegan trainers that you wore to it BTW. The suit? Not so much 🙄. One more thing, you didn’t play the fool for Obama out of admiration either given your links to assets like Damon and Weinstein. People also know that Comet Sophie was a honeypot hooker who ran with that set. Do yourself a favor and steer clear of anything overtly political involving the losing side 😉.

PS: Why 33? Obvious.

33 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Benedict Cumberbatch, According To Benedict Cumberbatch

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