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Okay, I’m not one to directly bash Benedict because I do love his work and I understand PR is PR, but for goodness sake!  If this isn’t the thirstiest picture I have ever seen, then I’m a waif thin super model.

Goodness! PR, what bollox is this? Argh!

Ballsy:  So chased by the Paparazzi, much has them on speed-dial. 

Funny how this only happens during major film promo … 

Remember what PR Anon said after meeting BC? That he had an overly high opinion of himself, couldn’t take criticism and was stuck at a second-tier (rate) agency. I’m seeing that ATM and it’s only going to keep dragging him down. He needs to understand that he’s made too many mistakes that he’s failed to learn from. Ben I hate to tell you this but TCW was a bit of a flop, face the truth and move on. You really need to replace your ass-kissing entourage with competent professionals…

Reblogging because this is how I feel right now:

Told you so! See Ben this is exactly what happens when you don’t listen to people with common sense. You asked Martin, James, the Rat, myself and God knows how many other people to help you. They told you to pass on The Current War, but you jumped on board as soon as HW threw more money at you. Now look how that turned out! The problem is that you are a compulsive self-sabotager, as soon as you start feeling in control again you give all of us the finger and try to compromise with your worst enemies. I don’t think you understand that you have never been in control because you are still stuck in their trap, you need to get out of it. Apparently you think that you have to buy your friends because you aren’t worthy of genuine company. All I can say is that Harrow fucked you up and you need BSS therapy to get over that. Those hangers-on are not your friends, SoFail and Co. are liars and hypocrites who have never been on your side. You are little more than a walking ATM and promoter for them. You are betraying your real support system, neglecting your craft and ruining your professional image. Ask yourself if this sorry state of affairs is what Tim wept over when you decided to pursue your acting dreams and study Drama. I doubt it.

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