Site icon Aeltri

ACIT anon here. I didn’t even think about that, looks like I’m more interested to see if BC will have the balls to dump the leech than by his career now 😕



Right? So it’s not just me?

Dump the leech/es or kiss his career goodbye you mean? BC put both feet in his mouth…again. The deal with KB procuring investors for his play had nothing to do with ACiT. Why even bring it up? Not smart, thanks to the Streisand Effect people will figure out that the explanation he gave was utter BS. See BC himself isn’t the problem, this is:

Blind Item #10 The wife of this foreign born A list dual threat actor now considers herself a world class movie producer after being on a set twice. Umm. So, anyway, she is committing the new family production company to some really big ticket items and if you haven’t noticed, the cash flow has slowed to a trickle.

Blind Item #10 I suppose when this foreign born A list dual threat actor saw his bank accounts were several million dollars less than they should have been, that perhaps he understood his wife was not really interested in love, but enriching her own accounts. That money has already moved several steps thanks to her long time lover. 

Way to inspire investor confidence! Who the fuck wants to throw money at a guy who can’t stop his beard (and her associates) from stealing any funds they get access to? Nobody. Team Soso needs to go

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