People keep commenting on how much they look alike. But haven’t you ever noticed that couples who are truly in love with each other and are soulmates often look alike? I can see these two someday both in their 80s & still very much in love :). As for the comments about them not smiling, #1 She looks like she is due very soon. I’m sure she is somewhat uncomfortable at this point. And I agree with some of the other commenters about them both being very private people…

Random Stanny

Soulmates? I’m not sure if these people are blind or that stupid…BC won’t make it to 45 if he keeps aging at this rate. It’s possible they may be “very much in love” someday, because they’ll both be with other people by then! Also, last I checked ‘private’ celebs don’t call the paps and/or go waltzing around known pap hotspots…


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